Personal Pages Archive for
Julene T. Weaver & John Perkins
These pages contain archived documents
from the mid
1990s till about 2000. We no longer update this site. We leave it
because many of the articles have been of interest to visitors. Because
this is an archive page, our most up-to-date
contact info is at the bottom of the page. Contact information
on articles may no longer work.
for Julene's Poetry Website.
Click for John's Keep
the Change — Solution-Focused Consulting website.
Jump to John's papers from his Ph.D
Julene's Babe's Network Health Corner Articles:
The Wise
Woman Tradition. This article will give you some
background on the Wise Woman Tradition. Herbalist Susun Weed compares
the Wise Woman Tradition with what she calls the Scientific and the
Heroic Traditions. Each of these traditions is simply a way to think of
healing, one is not wrong or right. I will briefly summarize the three
traditions by examining their symbols.
more about Arthritis and Joint Pains. Why an article about
arthritis? Its getting more predominant in people living with HIV and
AIDS, especially since it is one of the side effects of the Protease
Inhibitors. Many more people are getting early pain and swelling in
their joints, …
More on Vitamins and
Minerals. At Susun Weed's talk on Immune Health the question of
whether to take vitamins came up. Aside from saying no don't take them,
she explained what a vitamin is, looked at each vitamin briefly, and
gave a simple alternative to taking it in a pill form.
Book Review: Breast
Cancer? Breast Health! The Wise Woman Way By Susun Weed, Woodstock,
NY: Ash Tree Publishing, 1996. ($14.95). Why should you be concerned
with a book on breast cancer? Anyone living with HIV or AIDS has a high
risk of developing cancer. Cancers such as lymphoma, cervical cancer,
skin cancer, and Kaposi's Sarcoma are commonly associated with AIDS.
A Quick Review of
Buyer's Clubs. [Archived for
historical interest. Most buyer's clubs are defunct.] History of
buyer's clubs. In the early days of AIDS drugs for treatments of
opportunistic infections or anti-virals were not readily available in
this country.
Why is it important and how can we get enough of it? Every cell in our
body contains calcium. Calcium is our most prevalent mineral making up
more then half of the total mineral content of our body.
Cholesterol/Triglycerides - Part I. We are hearing about the
changes in fat metabolism, especially now with the use of the Protease
Inhibitors. It is estimated that ten percent of those who take Protease
Inhibitors have these effects. Visible effects of these metabolic
changes are being named "Protease Paunch," and the "Buffalo Hump."
Anti-Viral Herbal Formula. I recently learned about an anti-viral
herbal combination being used by people living with HIV and AIDS.
Alternative choices can be overwhelming, and now that triple-therapy is
the new treatment standard it is even harder to decide what
alternatives to integrate.
Available on Alternative/Complementary Strategies for Managing HIV
Infection. Buyer's Clubs [note: archived
article—most buyer's clubs now defunct] are a wealth of
information as well as a good source for supplements, vitamins and
complementary or alternative therapies. This year while visiting New
York City I took the opportunity to visit DAAIR, Direct AIDS
Alternative Information Resources.
Continuum Movement. Since 1988 I have been a student of Continuum
movement. I have studied with both the founder of Continuum, Emilie
Conrad Da'oud, and with Susan Harper. Emilie has developed Continuum
over the past thirty years. Susan Harper has worked in collaboration
with Emilie for more than twenty years. Continuum is a form of movement
work that evolved from Emilie's background as a dancer.
Review of a book:
Diet for a Poisoned Planet: How to Choose Safe Foods for You and
Your Family, By David Steinman. I've been reading this book since May
when I first heard of it and found it in Canada. I read it
sporadically, a chapter at a time. It is educational and a
reinforcement of the strong urge I have to eat high quality healthy
Homeopathic Human
Growth Factor Study: Notes from an Interview with Barbara Brewitt,
M.Div., Ph.D. I have to start off by saying how this new study and my
growing understanding of it has given me an enormous hope for the
Kombucha or Manchurian Mushroom, what is it anyway? … It is called
Manchurian Mushroom by some because people in the east have been
drinking the fermented beverage for generations. It is reported to go
back as far as 221 BC to ancient China and was referred to as the
Remedy for Immortality."
The roles of the liver.
The liver is known as the master chemist of the body and it is the
second largest organ in the body, after the skin. The liver weighs
three pounds and sits under the lower right rib cage.
Macroalgea, or sea vegetables come from the deep sea, but there are
also many micro algea which grow in fresh water. Microalgea are one
cell organisms with structures similar to bacteria. As such they border
the animal and plant kingdoms. They grow in fresh water lakes around
the world and have been used as food primarily in times of war when
other food supplies were difficult to come by.
According to the Wise Woman Tradition there is no one right answer. We
are all unique individuals and worthy of treatment as such.
The Numbers Game.
A new blood test, the viral load, is now available giving everyone
dealing with HIV or AIDS more numbers to cause anxiety. This new marker
indicates how much viral activity is in the blood and doctors are using
it to decide combination treatment therapies. The use of this new blood
test has changed the way doctors treat HIV, the aim being to reduce the
viral load so it is undetectable in the blood and to keep it
Emphasis on FLAX SEED OIL. This column will address the difference
between healthy and unhealthy fats and oils. Why do we need them, and
because we need them what is the best way to use them, and which ones
are the best to use? This subject is big, I will address a narrow range
of this big topic.
Seaweeds or Sea Vegetables Part I. In the article on the B complex
vitamins I listed seaweeds as a good food source. This is an
introduction with details on why it is a good idea to add them into
your diet. Seaweeds also called sea vegetables are a staple in my
kitchen and I will not cook a pot of beans or soup without adding one
of the many varieties of sea vegetables.
Using St. John's Wort as
an Anti-Viral (Latin: Hypericum
perforatum). In 1992 I studied with local herbalist Ryan Drum.
He had some tips for what helped the immune system, but when I asked
him what someone who was HIV positive could use to help ward off AIDS,
he gave me this information: Use St. John's Wort oil topically -(on
your skin ) in three places ; 1 - the inside of your upper arms, 2 -
the inside of your thighs, and 3 - the soles of your feet (particularly
the soft inner skin of the arch).
Vitamins through the
Digestive System: A view from Susun Weed. This is a continuation of
my report on Susun Weed's Immune Health talk. Susun Weed says that
people with HIV should not take vitamins; this is a controversial
statement since most alternative therapies and the current literature
on immune health and HIV recommends supplements.
A Day With Susun Weed and
A Group of HIV Positive Women on the East Coast. I have been doing a
herbal correspondence course with herbalist Susun Weed. I am focusing
my studies on Immune Health, or Living Healthy With HIV. Susun was
approached by a group of HIV positive women in her area to do a
presentation on Immune Health; Susun asked me to come to her farm, in
upstate New York, to be part of this day and share what I have been
studying and learning. She also invited me to stay at her farm and use
her library. I eagerly planned my vacation around this invitation.
TEKKA: A Condiment
to counteract anemia. Tekka can be used to improve anemia instead of
iron pills. This condiment, consisting mainly of root vegetables, is
delicious sprinkled in small amounts over grains or vegetables. It is a
very strong, yang food and has an uplifting effect on energy level.
About one-quarter teaspoon should be enough if used daily. If you use
too much you may find yourself wanting to drink excessive quantities of
orange juice, coffee, or to use vinegar or other acid foods not
particularly conducive to improving an anemic condition.
Take a Tylenol?
How safe is it really? Every time I hear someone living with HIV/AIDS
say they are taking Tylenol or ibuprofen I wonder if they are aware of
the dangers they are subjecting themselves to, or if they have talked
to their doctor about their use of this over-the-counter medication.
There is much information to support that people living with HIV/AIDS
refrain from the use of Tylenol and other acetaminophen products.
Wild Weed Walk: Focus
on Dandelion. Latin: Taraxacum
officinale. Thank you for inviting me to lead an herbal walk, or
what I call a weed walk. Some of the common plants we found were
dandelion, plantain, chickweed, yarrow, mallow, blackberry, rose hips,
red clover and wild lettuce. Many of these wild weeds can be harvested,
in this article I'm going to review dandelion and provide some ideas on
how to use this plant.
Yogurt is rich in potassium, calcium, protein and B vitamins, including
B-12. Research shows yogurt strengthens and stabilizes the immune
system. The lactobacillus in yogurt feeds the intestines, maximizes
nutrients you can absorb into your body, insures the digestive system
stays healthy, and stabilizes the immune system.
John's Papers
Some reports and papers written during my 4+
years quest for a Ph.D. degree from The Union Institute (TUI) in
Organizational Change. I received my degree in September 1998. Under Other Pages are other pages John archives on this site.
Entry Colloquium
Seminar #1:
Cultural Diversities in Dying,
and Grief
Seminar #2:
Research Methods and Theory
Seminar #3:
"Something More": The Emergence
of Spirit in Our Work, Organizations and Lives
Peer Days
PD#0: Shared
(Planned Peer Day
the Internet Canceled) Wrote a paper anyway because it taught me about
PD #1: Cognitive Learning
Experiences As
In Group Process (Peer Day on Peer Days)
PD #2:
Transgendered/Transsexuals: An
of Gender-Bending
PD #3: Women and
Substance Abuse
PD #4: The Problems Facing Our
Community Organizations and Urban Problems
PD #5: The Creative
Process On-Line Peer Day
PD #6: David Bohm's Dialogue
PD #7/8:
Multicultural Expressions:
Healing and Art
PD #9: Exploring
the Union Institute's World
Web Site In Scholarly Research
PD #10: Introducing Peacemaking
Processes into
Learning Modules
LM #1: Open
LM #2: History of
Organization Development
LM #3: Statistical
Inference and Methodology
LM #4: Organizational Inability to
Stop When
LM #5:
Worker-Management Cooperation and LM #5b: Gong Forward
LM #6: World Wide
LM #7:
Solution-Focused Therapy
LM #8: From
Conflict towards Consensus: The
of Engagement
Community Health:
PIP Camp: Open
Space with Teens
Other Pages
Women Christian Temperance Union Timeline
To reach us: